Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Question of the Week? Does Society Impose Unattainable Standards of Beauty on Young Women?

In my honest opinion yes!!! I'm not saying that the media brainwashes young girls and women but I do think that images we see in the media do have some affect even if it's not realized. Everyday we are bombarded with videos, pictures, etc... of beautiful women. Women with perfect proportions, perfect skin, perfect makeup, perfect hair, perfect everything!!! And I feel that women like Kim Kardashian, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, etc... are looked upon as the prototype and if you dont at least come close then you aren't good enough, at least this is the message that society/media sends. Me, personally, I don't have a stylist or a personal makeup artist, or my own hairstylist either and neither do most women my age. So when young women sees these women but aren't able to look as glamorous as them does that mean that a normal woman isn't beautiful? I'm not going to lie, at times I do feel pressure to be pretty or have a nice body but if I don't does that mean I am worthless to society? That I am inadequate somehow? Does it mean that i don't even matter because I'm not gorgeous? There is so much emphasis placed on beauty it's ridiculous! There are other qualities to a woman besides her face, titties and ass! But more and more women are feeding into this image by getting implants and plastic surgery to be more like these celebs. The media puts pressure on women and then we turn around and do it to ourselves, women judging other women and putting one another down on the basis of appearance and it never ends...

1 comment:

  1. Of course there is. Many women feel the need to measure up to celebs like Kim K.Also, many young girls maay not kno that photos like this one have been photoshopped to be more appealing to viewers. Many of us could achieve this look if we had resources like Kim such as: stylists, professional trainers, nutritionists, hairstylists, and professional make up artists. Women being compared to such high standards is UNFAIR! Not many can come as close to prefection as these celebrities!
